Well, one moment of sheer panic later, solar is online, approved, net meter swapped in, and purring away at over 7kW on a clear day. I’ll have good graphs from future days this week for the different arrays.
The inspector from the power company showed up and looked over stuff, then informed me that he couldn’t approve it, because my disconnects weren’t the sort you could visually verify as open, and circuit breakers weren’t a permitted AC disconnect. I’m using Midnite Solar disconnects as combiners, which have an external lever to toggle circuit breakers internally.
Redoing this with disconnects would require an awful lot of rework on the system, likely new permits, inspections, etc, so… I more or less requested, “Prove it… because I don’t recall reading anything like this, though the website is hard to navigate at times.”
Turns out, he was thinking of older guides. The current guide, which he had a copy of and I found on the website, simply requires “The switch must be manually operable with a visible ON and OFF indication, and capable of being locked in the off position. Draw-out or other types of disconnects are not acceptable.” Based on this, a circuit breaker based disconnect is perfectly acceptable, so we got past that and moved on.
The main check is simply that the inverters take >5 minutes from seeing AC power to kicking on. Mine, despite a 5 minute setting, take… enough longer that I was beginning to worry about them, but kicked on at 5.5 minutes or so. I guess they were just lazy about looking for grid power or something.
In any case, after deciding that my disconnects do meet the guidelines, I got my meter swapped (for the same physical type, just different programming), and things are online and purring away!