Modern 1U Server Build for Hosting

I have no idea.

I’ll just toss it in the bursting at the seams file of “Reasons I hate modern computers and think they’re too complex.”

On the other hand… almost 24 hours of uptime!!!

rgraves@sevarg-server-01:~$ w
 00:20:54 up 23:47,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.04, 0.14
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
rgraves  pts/0    00:20    1.00s  0.01s  0.00s w

Not that it matters but I’m curious how many watts it pulls while idling?

I’ll toss a KAW on it and let you know!

I… should really toss the KAW on it.

Hosting contract is signed, so it racks up next week and then I migrate services over!

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Remember that OVH showed us why backups backups backups!

(Also perhaps why you might not want to build a Datacenter out of wood)

Huh. Yeah, good reminder as to the value of off-site backups. That’s part of what I’m planning to use Starlink for - bulk transfer to/from the server.

Still not actually sure on power consumption. Been busy actually moving data to it, to the grand annoyance of everyone else in the house (the fan ramp is… quite aggressive, and it’s a 1U, so a fairly high pitched whine).

However, it goes in tomorrow! Excited! :smiley: I think I’ve got everything set up, but there wil likely be some learning as I go. It’s been a while since I’ve done this sort of thing…

Expect some random downtime over the weekend as I migrate things over. Conversation is likely to go early, and I’ll probably move blog hosting over too.

I intend to have a shell box for random use, as well as a more locked down backup system, but they’re not ready to go quite yet.

It’s all racked up and online.

Not very exciting yet… but I’ve got a 29 assigned to it, and it’s the first server in a new shared rack over in Boise.

Oh yeah. Oh YEAH. :smiley:

Retrieving configuration...
Testing from Fiberpipe (
Retrieving server list...
Selecting best server based on ping...
Hosted by Syringa Networks (Boise, ID) [12.85 km]: 3.649 ms
Testing download speed................................................................................
Download: 102.97 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed......................................................................................................
Upload: 106.57 Mbit/s

Nice, now that’s solid.

Ahahah a 32 bit address in 2021 what are you a poor? Everyone has 128 bits in the cool set.

(Amusingly enough a real IPv4 address (nay a subnet) means you are exactly opposite of a poor.)

The /29 is only $10/mo. I probably have 12-15 IPv4 addresses at any given point in time, though that will be dropping a bit as I’m migrating cloud boxes over to this server.

Ok. I’m pretty sure I have Conversations now running on the new server. Let’s see how this works!

I noted it in the other thread but it looks like the http → https redirect didn’t migrate over.