August 10, 2021, 10:54pm
I swear. This is not a Kerbal Space Program quote.
This is a Boeing quote, about their Starliner.
This weekend, Boeing restored functionality on more of the 13 CST-100 Starliner propulsion system valves that did not open as designed during prelaunch system checks last week.
Boeing has completed physical inspections and chemical sampling on the exterior of a number of the affected valves, which indicated no signs of damage or external corrosion. Test teams are now applying mechanical, electrical and thermal techniques to prompt the valves open. Seven of the 13 valves are now operating as designed, with inspection and remediation of the remaining affected valves to be performed in the days ahead.
Boeing is working a systematic plan to open the affected valves, demonstrate repeatable system performance, and verify the root cause of the issue before returning Starliner to the launch pad for its Orbital Flight Test-2 mission.
Because this sure sounds an awful lot like “We send the signal to the valve to open while beating on it with a hammer and heating it with a torch” to me.
August 10, 2021, 11:52pm
Gold. Put that on the wall next to ‘rapid unscheduled disassembly’ and ‘we have had an anomaly’. Maybe one of these causes the other?