For those who live in the west, fire season is starting… or, rather, has been started for a while.
As we have another day of “Hrm, can only faintly make out the mountains…,” I decided it was time to try something I’ve read about, but haven’t gotten around to building in past years.
Fan Filters! You make a box of a few filters, attach a fan, and have something that can, on far less power than the furnace blower, with (ideally) better filtering, extract the crud from the air. My filters are nice, fresh, and quite white. We’ll see how they end the season.
Just get creative and tape them together. A box like this both increases the surface area compared to a single filter, and gives the fan room to breathe - a single filter, strapped to the back of a box fan or such, generally won’t do much because the fan blades are sucking vacuum. This box leaves the air space for the blades to work, and also reduces the flow rate through the filters.
Most places suggest a three filter box, so I said “Well, screw that, I’m going to four!” And read that article in Cave Johnson’s voice, while you’re at it. If you’ve not played Portal 2, play it. Then read the article in Cave Johnson’s voice.
I really don’t know what to expect from this fire season. It’s started early, for sure, but it’s been a very dry spring, which would tend to reduce fires. Unfortunately, it’s also been absurdly hot, which tends to increase them. And the wildfires have already claimed a town or two this year.
If you can find a box fan, might be a good year for some filters.
Unless, of course, you just have a good swamp cooler. Then just replace the pads in the fall. I miss those things!